Mediastinal Masses
Neurogenic Tumors
Mediastinal Masses



Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine, Istanbul University



Residency in Department of Thoracic Surgery, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital

Previous Employments


Leuven University Hospitaly, Lung Transplantation Center, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Leuven, Belgium


Department of Thoracic Surgery, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University


İstinye University Liv Hospital

Administrative Duties


Head, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University


Doctor in charge of Lung Transplantation Center, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University


Assistant specialist in charge of Lung Transplantation Center, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital


Turkish Society of Thorax, Directorate of Lung Transplantation Study Group


Turkish Society of Thoracic Surgery, Directorate of Lung Transplantation Study Group


Education Status:

DereceBölüm/ ProgramUniversityYear
License /Y. LicenseMedical SchoolGeneral Surgery, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University1988
Doktora/S.Yeterlik/ Tıpta UzmanlıkThoracic SurgeryResidency in Department of Thoracic Surgery, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital1997
Doktora/S.Yeterlik/ Tıpta UzmanlıkThoracic SurgeryResidency in Department of Thoracic Surgery, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital2002
DoçentThoracic SurgeryResidency in Department of Thoracic Surgery, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital2010
Eğitim GörevlisiThoracic SurgeryResidency in Department of Thoracic Surgery, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital2011
ProfessorThoracic SurgeryIstanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery2016

Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi Başlığı (özeti ekte) ve Tez Danışman(lar)ı  : Superior Sulkus Tümör Cerrahisinde Sağkalımı Etkileyen Prognostik Faktörler

Danışman: Doç.Dr.Atilla Gürses

Doktora Tezi/S.Yeterlik Çalışması/Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi Başlığı (özeti ekte)  ve  Danışman(lar)ı :


Mission Title

Mission Location

License /Y. LicenseCerrahpaşa School of Medicine, Istanbul University1988
Ar.Gör.Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul1997–2002
Ar.Gör.Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Thoracic Surgery1997–1998
Ar.Gör.Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine, Istanbul University1998-1999
Uzman DoktorYedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul2002–2005
Uzman DoktorThoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine, Istanbul University2005–2006
Uzman DoktorLeuven University Hospitaly, Lung Transplantation Center,  Department of Thoracic Surgery, Leuven, Belgium2008-2009
Uzman DoktorYedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul2008-2009
Uzman DoktorLeuven University Hospitaly, Lung Transplantation Center,  Department of Thoracic Surgery, Leuven, Belgium2009–2010
DoçentYedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul2010
Eğitim GörevlisiYedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul2011
Akciğer Nakli Merkezi sorumlu uzman yardımcısıAssistant specialist in charge of Lung Transplantation Center, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital2011
Doçent DoktorGeneral Surgery, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University2012
Akciğer Nakli Merkezi sorumlu uzman yardımcısıGeneral Surgery, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University2012
ProfessorGeneral Surgery, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University2016
ProfessorIstinye University, Istinye University Hospital, Thoracic Surgery2017

  Duties undertaken in projects:

Lung Transplantation, TUBITAK Project, year 2018, 2219- Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship Program 2nd term, Project Manager.

Administrative Duties

  • Head, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University
  • Doctor in charge of Lung Transplantation Center, Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul University
  • Assistant specialist in charge of Lung Transplantation Center, Yedikule Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital
  • Turkish Society of Thorax, Directorate of Lung Transplantation Study Group
  • Turkish Society of Thoracic Surgery, Directorate of Lung Transplantation Study Group

Scientific Organization Memberships:

European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS)

International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT)

Istanbul Chamber of Medicine

Turkish Association of Thoracic Surgery.

Turkish Association of Thorax

Turkish Association of Respiratory Researches

Association of Lung Cancer

Association of Lung Cancers


  1. National Thoracic Oncology Congress, p38, Antalya, 2008 (The Best Poster Award) Demir A, M.Z. Gunluoğlu, N. Dağoğlu, A.Turna, Y. Dizdar, K. Kaynak, Ş. Dilege, N.M. Molinas, D. Yilmazbayhan, S.İ.Dinçer, A.Gürses “The role and prognosis of thoracic surgeon in the treatment of primitive neuroectodermal tumors of chest wall”.
  2. National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 109, Marmaris, 2007, (BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD) Melek, H., M. Günlüoğlu, Demir, B. Medetoğlu, H.V. Kara, A. Ölçmen and S.İ. Dinçer, "The superiority of CT with integrated PET (PET-CT) on PET fusion BT in the mediastinal stage of lung cancer".
  3. Toraks Society 9th Annual Congress, 92, Antalya, 2006. (THE BEST DISCUSSION POSTER AWARD), Fazlıoğlu, M., C. Kocatürk, Y. Sönmezoğlu, A.G. Cevik, Demir, N. Ürer, A.Turna, S.İ. Dinçer M.A. Bedirhan and A. Gürses, “Survival effect of resection type and invasion depth in NSCLC with chest wall invasion”.
  4. 2nd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 39, Çeşme, 2006. (THE BEST POSTER DISCUSSION AWARD) Günlüoğlu, M.Z., Demir, H. Akın, D. Sansar, H.V. Kara, A. Ölçmen and S.İ. Dinçer, “Mediastinal lymphatic metastasis pattern in left upper lobe small extracellular lung cancer”, .
  5. Turkish Thorax Society, 16th Annual congress, April 3-7, 2013, Antalya, Turkey (THE BEST ORAL PRESENTATION OF LUNG TRANSPLANTATION WORKING GROUP AWARD). Adalet Demir, Songül Büyükkale, Nur Dilek Bakan, Özgür İşgörücü, Nurgül Pakdemir Bilgin, Orçun Önal, Adnan Sayar. Early period surgical complications in lung transplantation. Turkish Society of Thorax, 16th Annual Congress, April 3-7, 2013, Antalya.


  1. Author of book chapter (for each book) (author of chapter in a scientific book with an ISBN published abroad)
    1. Clemans A, Bravio I, Demir A, Yazar O, Raemdonck DV, Klepetko W. Surgical Technique of Lung Transplantation. Kuzdzat J, Asamura H, Detterbeck F, Goldstraw P, Lerut AS, Tomas P, Treasure T. ESTS Textbook of Thoracic Surgery. Medycyna Praktyczna Cracow 2014, Volume 1, PP:1063-1073
  1. Published in journals listed by SCI, SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index), and AHCI ( Arts and Humanities Citation Index )

a) Original research, article, review

  1. Gunluoglu MZ, Kocaturk CI, Demir A, Urer HN, Dincer SI, Bedirhan MA. Bronchial Stump Recurrence after Complete Resection of Lung Cancer: Effect of the Distance between the Tumor and Bronchial Resection Margin. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2016Sep 13.
  1. Sen F, Tambas M, Ozkaya K, Guveli ME, Ciftci R, Ozkan B, Oral EN, Saglam EK, Saip P, Toker A, Demir A, Firat P, Aydiner A, Eralp Y. Concomitant etoposide and cisplatin provided improved survival compared with docetaxel and cisplatin in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Jul;95(30):e4280. Do
  1. Demir A, Coosemans W, Decaluwé H, De Leyn P, Nafteux P, Van Veer H, Verleden GM, Van Raemdonck D. Donor-recipient matching in lung transplantation: which variables are important?†. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2015 Jun;47(6):974-83. doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezu340. Epub 2014 Sep 3.
  1. Urer HN, Kocaturk Cİ, Gunluoglu MZ, Arda N, Demir A, Ortakoylu MG, Bedirhan MA, Dincer Sİ. Squamous cell carcinomas confined to the bronchial wall: the effect of growth patterns. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Mar;62(2):120-5. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1343895. Epub 2013 May 10. PubMed PMID: 23666774.
  1. Günlüoglu, M.Z., H.Melek, B.Medetoglu, Demir, H.V.Kara, S.İ.Dincer, “The Validity of Preoperative Lymph Node Staging Guidelines of European Society of Thoracic Surgeons in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients”, Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 40(2):287-90 (2011).
  2. Medetoglu, B., MZ. Gunluoglu, Demir, N. Buyukpinarbasili, N. Fener, S.İ. Dincer. Tumor angiogenesis in predicting the survival of patients with stage I lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 140(5):996-1000 (2010).
  3. Kocaturk CI, MZ. Gunluoglu, L. Cansever, Demir, U. Cinar, SI. Dincer, MA. Bedirhan. Survival and prognostic factors in surgically resected synchronous multiple primary lung cancers. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 39(2):160-6 (2011).
  4. Demir, A., Turna, C. Kocaturk, M.Z. Gunluoglu, U. Aydogmus, N. Urer, M.A. Bedirhan, A. Gurses, S.I. Dincer, “Prognostic significance of surgical-pathologic N1 lymph node involvement in non-small cell lung cancer,” Ann Thorac Surg., 87(4), 1014-22 (2009).
  5. Demir, A., Sayar, C.I. Kocaturk, M.Z. Gunluoglu, H. Akin, M. Metin, L. Cansever, A. Olcmen, S.I. Dincer, M.A. Bedirhan, A. Gurses, “Surgical treatment of superior sulcus tumors: results and prognostic factors,” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg., 57, 96-101 (2009).
  6. Gunluoglu, M.Z., L. Cansever, Demir, C.I. Kocaturk, S.İ. Dincer, M.A. Bedirhan, “Managemenent of Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum,” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 57(4), 229-314; (2009).
  7. Seyhan, E.C., E. Cetinkaya, S. Altin, M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, V. Koksal, H. Issever, “Vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms in Turkish patients with sarcoidosis,” Tissue Antigens., 72(2), 162-5 (2008).

Score: 8

12. Demir, A, M.Z. Gunluoglu, H.V Kara, N. Buyukpinarbasili, S.I. Dincer, “Prognostic factors in resected T3 non-small cell lung carcinoma: perineural invasion as a new prognostic factor,” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg., 56(2), 93-8 (2008).

13. Sonmezoglu, Y, A. Turna, A. Cevik, Demir, A. Sayar, S.İ. Dincer , M.A. Bedirhan, Gurses A, “Factors affecting morbidity in chronic tuberculous empyema,” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg., 56(2), 99-102 (2008).

14. Melek, H., M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, H. Akin, A. Olcmen, S.I. Dincer, “Role of positron emission tomography in mediastinal lymphatic staging of non-small cell lung cancer,” Eur J Cardiothorac Surg., 33(2):294-9 (2008).

       15. Demir, A., M.Z. Gunluoglu, D. Sansar, H. Melek, S.I. Dincer, “Staging and resection of lung cancer with minimal invasion of the adjacent lobe,” Eur J Cardiothorac Surg., 32(6), 855-8 (2007).

16. Yakut, T, H.J. Schulten, Demir, D. Frank, B. Danner, U. Egeli, C. Gebitekin, Kahler E, Gunawan B, Urer N, Ozturk H, Fuzesi L, “Assessment of molecular events in squamous and non-squamous cell lung carcinoma,” Lung Cancer., 54(3), 293-301 (2006).

17. Dincer, S.I, Demir, A. Sayar, M.Z. Gunluoglu, H.V. Kara, A. Gurses, “Surgical treatment of pulmonary hydatid disease: a comparison of children and adults,” J Pediatr Surg, 41(7), 1230-6 (2006).

18. Gürses, A, Turna, M.A. Bedirhan, T. Ozalp, C. Kocaturk, A. Demir, M. Ozcan, N. Urer, “The Value of Medistinoscopy in Preoperative Evaluation of Mediastinal Involvement in non-small cell lung cancer patients with clinical N0 disease,” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg., 50(3), 174-77 (2002).

b). Letter to editor, technical note and case report in health sciences (not applicable for social sciences).

  1. Berker Özkan, Murat Kapdağlı, Salih Duman, Adalet Demir, Alper Toker. Endobronchial valve and vacuum-assisted closure treatment for a complicated air leak problem after cardiac surgery The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2016 July;24(3):589-591
  2. Gunluoglu, M.Z, H.V. Kara, Demir, S.I. Dincer, “Results of multimodal treatment of two patients with thoracic primitive neuroectodermal tumor,” Is surgery really helpful for survival (?) Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 55(7), 460-1 (2007).
  3. Demir, A, A Olcmen, H.V. Kara, S.I. Dincer. Delayed diagnosis of a complete bronchial rupture after blunt thoracic trauma,” Thorac Cardiovasc Surg., 54(8), 560-2 (2006).
  4. Dincer, I., Demir, H. Akin, H. Melek, S. Altin, “A giant endobronchial inflammatory polyp. Ann Thorac Surg., 80(6), 2353-6 (2005).


4. Published in journals listed by SCI Expanded

a) Original research, article, review


    1. Büyükkale, Songül, Necati Çıtak, Özgür İşgörücü, Cem Emrah Kalafat, Yunus Aksoy, Çağrı Cemaller, Çiğdem Obuz, Barış Açıkmeşe, Ayşe Ulukol,Nur Dilek Bakan, Adalet Demir, Adnan Sayar. "Early period lung transplantation results of Yedikule Organ Transplantation Center: our three-year experience." Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 25, no. 1: 086-095.
    2. Demir A, Ayalp K, Ozkan B, Kaba E, Toker A. Robotic and video-assisted thoracic surgery lung segmentectomy for malignant and benign lesions. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2015 Mar;20(3):304-9.
    3. Toker A, Demir A, Kaba E, Kapdaglı M, Ziyade S, Saracoglu B, Erus S, Ozkan B, Tanju S. Pulmonary artery resection and reconstructions for lung cancer treatment:an anatomical –technical analysis and survival relationship. The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular. 2015;23(1):066-074
    4. Özkan B, Demir A, Kapdagli M, Sungur Z, Duman S, Cimenoglu B, Toker A. Results of videothoracoscopic thymectomy in children: an analysis of 40 patients†. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2015 May 25. pii: [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26015508
    5. Karapınar K, Saydam O, Buyukkale S, Metin M, Gunlıoglu Z, Demir A, Sayar A, Gurses A. Long-term results of surgical treatment of pulmonary carcinoids The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular. 2015 ;23(2):304-308
    6. Bedirhan MA, Cansever L, Demir A, Ceyhan S, Akın H, Urer HN, Olçmen A, Kocatürk C, Dinçer I. Which type of surgery should become the preferred procedure for malignant pleural mesothelioma: extrapleural pneumonectomy or extended pleurectomy (?) J Thorac Dis. 2013 Aug;5(4):446-54.
    7. Sayar A, Cıtak N, Buyukkale S, Metin M, Gunluoğlu MZ, Kanbur S, Demir A, Dalar L, Özgül MA; Koşar F, Çıkrıkcıoğlu S, Gurses A. Sleeve carinal resection and reconstruction: surgical indication and results of carinal invasion by malignant tumors. The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular.2013 21(2):392-401
    8. Gunluoglu, MZ, Demir, A.Turna, D.Sansar, H. Melek, H.V.Kara, S.I.Dincer, A.Gurses, “Extent of the Lung Resection in Non-Small Lung Cancer with Interlobar Lymph Node Involvement”, “Extent of the Lung Resection in Non-Small Lung Cancer with Interlobar Lymph Node Involvement”, Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 17(3):229-35 (2011)


    1. Günlüoğlu, MZ, H. Melek, Demir, B.Medetoğlu, H.V.Kara, S.İ.Dinçer, “The Accuracy and Cost of Positron Emission Tomography and Mediastinoscopy in Mediastinal Staging of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer”, The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular. 19(3):397-404 (2011)
    2. Aydogmus, U, Demir, M.Z. Gunluoglu, Y. Sonmezoglu, L. Cansever, S.I. Dincer, M.A. Bedirhan, “Prognostic Significance Of Cancer Extension To The Main Bronchus In Right Upper Lobe Lung Cancer, The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular 19(1):049-054 (2011)
    3. Melek, H., B. Medetoğlu, Demir, H.V. Kara, S.İ Dinçer, Postoperative Mortality and Morbidity in Elderly Patients with Lung Cancer and the Role of Age. The Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular 19(4):586-592 (2011)
    4. Demir, A., M.Z. Gunluoglu, N. Dagoglu, A. Turna, Y. Dizdar, K. Kaynak, S. Dilege, N.M. Mandel, D. Yilmazbayhan, S.I. Dincer, Gurses A, “Surgical treatment and prognosis of primitive neuroectodermal tumors of the thorax,” J Thorac Oncol.,4(2), 185-92 (2009). 
    5. Ilhan, M., Demir, H. Akin, M.Z. Gunluoglu, A. Olçmen, S.I. Dncer, “Characteristics and prognosis of resected T3 non-small cell lung cancer,” Minerva Chir., 63(2), 101-8 (2008).
    6. Seyhan, E.C., E. Cetinkaya, S. Altin, Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, V. Koksal, H. Issever, “Tumor necrosis factor gene polymorphisms in Turkish patients with sarcoidosis,” Intern Med., 47(9), 833-8 (2008).  
    7. Cengiz, S.E., E. Cetinkaya, S. Altin, Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, G. Gunluoglu, K. Epozturk, “Nutritional and prognostic significance of sick euthyroid syndrome in non-small cell lung cancer patients,” Intern Med., 47(4), 211-6 (2008).
    8. Esme, H., M. Cemek, M. Sezer, H. Saglam, Demir, H. Melek, M. Unlu, “High levels of oxidative stress in patients with advanced lung cancer,” Respirology., 13(1), 112-6 (2008).
    9. Cansiz, H., M. Yener, A.K. Bozkurt, Demir, A. Demirkaya, N. Sekercioglu, “Surgical treatment of laryngeal tumors with subglottic extension and tracheal tumors with composite nasal septal cartilage graft: technique and outcome,” Auris Nasus Larynx., 35(3), 363-8 (2008).


    b). Letter to editor, technical note and case report in health sciences (not applicable for social sciences).  

    1. Kara,HV. Turna, M.Z.Günlüoglu, A.Demir, M.Metin, A.Gurses, "Enigmatic contralateral hemothorax after left thoracotomy", Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 15(5), 336-338, (2009).
    2. Dincer, S.I., Demir, H.V. Kara, M.Z. Gunluoglu, “Thoracoscopic removal of a maternal mediastinal ectopic parathyroid adenoma causing neonatal hypocalcemia: a case report,” Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg., 14(5), 325-8 (2008).
    3. Halac, M., N. Ergul, S. Sager, Demir, N. Buyukpinarbasli, K. Sonmezoglu, “ PET/CT findings in a multicentric form of Castleman's disease,” Hell J Nucl Med., 10(3), 172-4 (2007).
    4. Demir, A., Akin, A. Olcmen, H. Melek, S.I. Dincer, “Lobar torsion after pulmonary resection; report of two cases,” Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg., 12(1), 63-5 (2006).  
    5. Dincer, S.I., Demir, H.V. Kara, N. Fener, S. Altin, “Primary tracheal schwannoma: a case report,” Acta Chir Belg., 106(2), 254-6 (2006).
  1. Journals listed by SCI Expanded

c) Reviewer status (to be documented) (Maximum 5 reviewer status per journal is taken into account for scoring)

  1. Respirology
  2. Thoracic Diseases
  3. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
  4. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

8. a) Studies published in international peer-review journals not listed by SCI Expanded, SSCI and AHCI

  1. Demir, A., S. Altin, D. Pehlivan, M. Demir, F. Yakar, E.C. Seyhan, S.I. Dincer, “The role of GSTM1 gene polymorphisms in lung cancer development in Turkish population,” J Carcinog., 6, 13 (2007).  
  2. Demir, A., M.Z. Gunluoglu, A. Turna, H.V. Kara, S.I. Dincer, “Analysis of surgical treatment for pulmonary aspergilloma,” Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann., 14(5), 407-11 (2006).
  3. Olcmen, A., M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, H. Akin, H.V. Kara, S.I. Dincer, “Role and outcome of surgery for pulmonary tuberculosis,” Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann., 14(5), 363-6 (2006).
  4. Dincer, SI, Demir, H. Akin, M.Z. Gunluoglu, M. Metin, H. Melek, A. Gurses, “Is routine mediastinoscopy indicated for patients with T1 non-small cell lung cancer? Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci, 48(4), 249-52 (2006).
  5. Demir, A., S. Altin, I. Demir, V. Koksal, U. Cetincelik, S.I. Dincer, “The frequency of GSTT1 null genotype in Turkish population and lung cancer risk,” Indian J Hum Genet., 11, 89-93 (2005).
  6. Sayar, A., A. Olcmen, M. Metin, H. Gulec, Demir, M. Olçmen, “Role of mediastinoscopy intrathoracic tuberculous lymphadenitis. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann,” 8, 253-5 (2000).  

c) Case reports published in international peer-review journals not listed by SCI Expanded, SSCI and AHCI

1.Olcmen, A., G. Olgac, A. Demir, M. Ilhan, H. Melek, S.I. Dincer, “Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: A report of five cases,”  IJTCVS,  21,  226–228 (2005).

  1. Scientific meetings organized by an international institution

a) Oral Presentations and presentations published as full text or abstract

    1. Gunluoglu M.Z.,H. Melek, B. Medetoglu, Demir, H.V. Kara, S.I. Dincer, The Validity Of Preoperative Lymph Node Staging Guidelines Of ESTS In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients. 18th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Valladolid, Spain,30 May-2 June, 2010
    2. Demir, A., Sayar, C. Kocaturk, H. Akın, M. Metin, L. Cansever, A. Olcmen, S.I. Dincer, M.A. Bedirhan, A. Gurses,  “Surgical Treatment Of Superior Sulcus (Pancoast) Tumors; Results and Prognostic Factors,” 18th World Congress World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, April 30-May 3, Kos Island, Greece, The Heart Surgery Forum, Vol 11 (Suppl 1): S180 (OP), 2008.  


    1. Gunluoglu M.Z., Demir, B. Medetoglu, HV. Kara, SI. Dincer, “Prognostic Significance of Tumor Free Length of Resected Bronchus in Lung Cancer,” 18th World Congress World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, April 30-May 3, Kos Island, Greece, The Heart Surgery Forum, Vol 11 (Suppl 1): S276 (OP), 2008.
    2. Aydogmus, U., Demir, M.Z. Gunluoglu, Y. Sonmezoglu, L. Cansever, S.I. Dincer, M.A. Bedirhan, “Prognostic Significance Of Cancer Extension To The Main Bronchus In Right Upper Lobe Lung Cancer,” 18th World Congress World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, April 30-May 3, Kos Island, Greece, The Heart Surgery Forum, Vol 11 (Suppl 1): S205(OP), 2008.
    3. Melek, H., M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, B. Medetoglu, H.V. Kara, S.I. Dincer, “The accuracy and cost of positron emission tomography in mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer,” 18th World Congress World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, April 30-May 3, Kos Island, Greece, The Heart Surgery Forum, Vol 11 (Suppl 1): S203 (OP),2008.
    4. Kara, H.V., M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, B. Medetoglu, H. Melek, A. Olcmen, S.I Dincer, “Effect of subaortic-paraaortic lymph node involvement in resected lung cancer of left upper lobe,” 18th World Congress World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, April 30-May 3, Kos Island, Greece, The Heart Surgery Forum, Vol. 11 (Suppl 1): S203(OP), 2008.
    5. Gunluoglu, M.Z., H. Melek, Demir, H.V. Kara, B. Medetoglu, S.I. Dincer, “Accuracy of the PET according to mediastinal lymph node stations in mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer”. 18th World Congress World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, April 30-May 3, Kos Island, Greece, The Heart Surgery Forum, Vol. 11 (Suppl 1): S205 (OP), 2008.
    6. Olcmen, A., M.Z. Gunluoglu, H.V. Kara, B. Medetoglu, Demir, N. Buyukpinarbasili, S.I. Dincer, “Primary synovial sarcoma of the lung; presentation of 2 rare cases and review of the literature,” The 16th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Bologna, Italy, June 8–11. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery,Vol.7 (Suppl 2): S151 (OP), 2008.
    7. Melek, H., M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, H.V. Kara, B. Medetoglu ve S.I. Dincer, “Cut-off value of PET to detect mediastinal lymphatic metastasis of NSCLC; new suggestions,” The 15th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Leuven, Belgium, Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery,Vol.6 (Suppl 2): S188  (F) 2007.
    8. Dinçer, I.S., Demir, H. Akin, M.Z. Gunluoglu, M. Metin, H. Melek ve A. Gürses, “Is it necessary to perform Mediastinoscopy in T1 non-small cell carcinoma?, ”17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, İstanbul, Chest Suppl 103, 2003.  
    9. Dincer, I., H. Akın, Demir, M.Z. Gunluoglu, H.V. Kara, A. Gurses, “The role of VATS in the treatment of malignant pleural effusions,” 3rd Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Endoscopic Surgery Congress, İstanbul, vol 10(3),109, 2003.
    10. Dincer,S.I., Demir, M. Ilhan, H. Akın, A. Gurses, “Surgical treatment of pulmonary hydatid cysts in childhood,” The Pediatric Thorax An Interdisciplinary Symposium, 10-12 April, İzmir, Turkey, 2002.


    1. Demir,A., A. Olcmen, M. İlhan, A. Turna, S.I. Dincer, A. Gurses, “Intrapericardial resections performed in pulmonary resections,” Turkish Society For Respiratory İnvestigations İnternational Symposium on Lung Cancer Bronchoscopy, İstanbul, 2001.  
    2. Demir,A., H. Akın, O.Solak, T. Ozalp, S.I. Dincer, A. Gurses, “Surgical aproach to carcinoid tumors,” Turkish Society For Respiratory İnvestigations İnternational Symposium on Lung Cancer Bronchoscopy, İstanbul, 2001.
    3. Metin,M., A. Sayar, O. Solak, C.A. Kutlu, Demir, S. Cuhedaroglu, A. Gurses, M. Olcmen, “Extanded cervical mediastinoscopy,” ESTS European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, London, 76, 2000.
    4. Gurses,A., Turna, M.A. Bedirhan, T. Ozalp, A. Demir, C. Kocaturk, M. Ozcan, N. Urer, “The value of mediastinoscopy in preoperative eveluation of mediastinal involvement in non-small cell lung cancer patients with clinical N0 disease,”  ESTS  European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, London, 306, 2000.


b) Posters published as full text or abstact


    1. Cengiz Gebitekin, Alper Toker, *Walter Weder, Ahmet Sami Bayram, Berker Özkan, Isabelle Opitz, Hüseyin Melek, Stephane Collaud, Adalet Demir. Does neoadjuvant chemoradiation followed by pneumonectomy provide beter longterm survival in patients with NSCLC?. AATS Annual Meeting April 25-29, 2015 Washington USA.
    2. Ozkan B, Demir A, Kaba E, Erus S, Duman S, Cimenoglu B, Toker A. Results of Should radical surgery be a part of multimodality therapy for MASAOKA satage thymoma IVA. 23rd European Conferrance on Genaral Thoracic Surgery, Annual Meeting, 31 May-3 June, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal,
    3. BakanND, Isgörücü O, Çitak N, Cenger D, Demir A, Açikmese B, Kalafat CE, Kiliç L, Sayar A. lung transplantations: single center results from Turkey. ERS Annual Congress 6-10 September 2014, Munich, Germany
    4. Demir A, Ayalp K, Ozkan B, Kaba E, Toker A. Robotic and video-assisted thoracic surgery lung segmentectomy for malignant and benign lesions. 22nd European Conferrance on Genaral Thoracic Surgery, Annual Meeting, Copengagen 15-18 June, 2014, Denmark
    5. Melek H, Demir A, Bayram AS, Ozkan B, Cetinkaya G, Kapdaglı M, Erol MM, Neaoadjuvant chemoradiation vs chemothearpy followed by surgery for NSCLC: Dovnstaging from stage IIIA to stage I. 22nd European Conferrance on Genaral Thoracic Surgery, Annual Meeting, Copengagen 15-18 June, 2014,
    6. Berker Özkan, Adalet Demir, Murat Kapdağlı, Zerrin Sungur Ülke, Salih Duman, Berk Çimenoğlu, Alper Toker. Results of Videothoracoscopic Thymectomy in Children: An analyzes on 40 patients. 22nd European Conferrance on Genaral Thoracic Surgery, Annual Meeting, Copengagen 15-18 june, 2014,
    7. Buyukkale S, D.Cenger, O. Isgorucu, Z.N. Ulukol, C.F. Zorkun, Demir, A. Sayar. Early outcome of COPD patient after lung transplantation. COPD ISTANBUL March 7-10, 2013, İstanbul, Turkey
    1. Buyukkale S, N.D.Bakan, O. Isgorucu, Demir, N.S. Meske, E. Yazar, B.P. Akdemir, A. Sayar. Is lobar resections due to malignancy eligible in COPD patients and the outcome. COPD ISTANBUL March 7-10, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
    2. Esra Pehlivan, Arif Balcı, Figen Kadakal, Nur Dilek Bakan, Songül Büyükkale, Adalet Demir, Adnan Sayar. The result of the first months of pulmonary physical therapy and rehabilitation in lung transplant candidates. COPD ISTANBUL March 7-10, 2013, İstanbul, Turkey
    3. Demir, D. Van Raemdonck, G.M. Verleden, W. Coosemans, H. Decaluwé, P. De Leyn, Ph. Nafteux, T.Lerut. Donor - recipient matching in lung transplantation: gender matters! 18th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Valladolid, Spain, 30 May-2 June, 2010.
    4. Z.Gunluoglu, H.Melek, A.Turna, B.Medetoglu, H.V.Kara, A.Demir, S.I.Dincer, CHEST 2010 konferansı dahilinde “Chest 2010;138(4)” bildiri kitapçığındaki “Is There a Need for Invasive Mediastinal Staging in Centrally Located Non-small Cell Lung Cancer?”, 664A pp., Vancouver, Kanada, October - November 2010.
    5. Kara, H.V., B. Medetoglu, Melek, M.Z. Gunluoglu A. Demir.  Synchronous Bilateral Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax, Chest Meeting Abstracts 136: 131S-c-132S-c, San Diego, California, USA, 2009.  
    6. Kara,H.V., Z. Gunluoglu A. Demir, B. Medetoglu H. Melek A. Ölçmen, S.İ. Dinçer “Is There a Need for Antibiotic Usage Following Chest Tube Insertion in Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax?” Chest Meeting Abstracts 136: 132S-a, San Diego, California, 2009.   
    7. Kocaturk,C.I., M.Z. Gunluoglu, L. Cansever, Demir,  A. Turna, I.S. Dincer,  M.A.Bedirhan, “Surgically Treated Synchronous Multiple Primary Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: Is It Worth It?,“ The 17th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Krakow Poland, 2009.   
    8. Melek, H., M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, B. Medetoglu, H.V. Kara, E. Cetinkaya, S.I. Dincer, “Causes of false positive result of FDG-PET in mediastinal staging of lung cancer,” The 16th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Bologna, Italy, June 8–11. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, Vol.7 (Suppl 2):S198 (P), 2008.  
    9. Melek,H., M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, H.V. Kara, B. Medetoglu, S.I. Dincer. “Influence of the age on accuracy of FDG-PET in mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer,” The 16th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Bologna, Italy, June 8–11, 2008. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, Vol.7 (Suppl 2): S182 (P), 2008.  
    10. Demir, A., M.Z. Gunluoglu, D. Sansar, H. Melek ve S. I. Dincer, “How Should Be Staged And Resected A NSCLC Wıth Small Invasıon Of An Adjacent Lobe?,” The 15th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Leuven, Belgium, Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, Vol.6 (Suppl 2): S214 (P) 2007.
    11. Melek, H., M.Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, H. Akın, A. Olcmen S.İ. Dincer, “The Role Of Positron Emission Tomography In Mediastinal Lymphatic Staging Of NSCLC,” The 15th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Leuven, Belgium, Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Vol.6 (Suppl 2): S211  (P) 2007.  
    12. Demir A., I. Demir, S. Altin, B. Maciter, V. Koksal, U Cetincelik, I Dincer, “The Role of CYP1 A1- MSP1 gene polymorphisms on lung cancer development,” 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, Istanbul, Chest Suppl, 119, 2003.
    13. Olcmen, A., Z. Gunluoglu, Demir, G. Olgac, H. Kara, I. Dincer, “Indications, Results and Safety of Surgical therapy of Pulmonary Tuberculosis,” 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, Istanbul Chest Suppl, 218, 2003.


    1. Olcmen, A., G. Olgac, Demir, M. Ilhan, H. Melek, I. Dincer, “Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum: Repot of 4 cases,” 17th Asia Pacific Congress on Diseases of the Chest, İstanbul, Chest Suppl, 268, 2003.




  1. Author of Book (author of scientific book with an ISBN)
  1. Lung Transplantation, for Whom? When? Editor; Nur Dilek Bakan, Adalet Demir. Thorax Book Series, Date of Electronic Access: 12.11.2015, ISBN: 978-605-63009-5-0 ,

2.)Author of book chapter (for each book) (author of chapter in a scientific book with an ISBN)

  1. Adalet Demir, Assessing Candidates of Lung Transplantation From a Surgical Point of View. Editor: Nur Dilek Bakan and Adalet Demir. Lung Transplantation, for Whom? When? Thorax Book Series 2015, pp.24-27 (ISBN: 978-605-63009-5-0 ,

3.Published in local peer-review journals listed by TUBITAK – ULAKBIM national databases

a) Original research, article

  1. Demir,A., A. Sayar, B. Medetoglu, M.Z. Gunluoglu, H.V. Kara ve S.I. Dincer, “Transthoracic approach with anterior mini thoracotomy in surgical treatment of foramen of morgagni hernia”, Haseki Medical Bulletin, 47(2), 27-30 (2009).
  2. Melek, H., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demır, H. Akin, B. Medetoğlu, H.V. Kara, A. Olçmen ve S.I. Dınçer, “Role of Positron Emission Tomography in Mediastinal Staging of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer”, Tuberc Thorax J., 56(1), 56-63 (2008).
  3. Esme, H., Sezer, A. Demir, Ö. Güler, H. Sağlam and M. Ünlü, “The Relationship Between Knowing the Diagnose and Anxiety Level in Lung Cancer Patients”, Respiration 8(4), 163-167 (2006).
  4. Demir,A., İ. Demir, S. Altın, V. Köksal, Ü. Çetinçelik and S.İ. Dinçer,  “GSTM1 Gene Polymorphisms on Lung Cancer Development in the Turkish Population”, Turkish Respiratory Journal, 6:(3), 131-134 (2005).
  5. Demir,A., A. Sayar, H. Akın, M. Metin, N. Solmazer, S.İ. Dinçer and A. Gürses, “Prognostic Factors Affecting Survival in Resected Surgical Superior Sulcus Tumors ", Toraks Journal 6(3), 189-196 (2005). Demir A, B. Medetoğlu, S.İ. Dinçer and G. Çamsarı, “Diagnostic Value of Open Lung Biopsy in Lung Pathologies ", Lung Archieve 6(4), 153-155 (2005).
  6. Akın, H., Kaya, A. Demir,  Özkan Saydam and S.İbrahim Dinçer, “Treatment Approaches in Malignant Pleural Effusions ", Turkish Oncology Journal, 20(2), 72-78 (2005).
  7. Demir, A., S. Altın, İ. Demir, V. Köksal, Ü. Çetinçelik and S.İ. Dinçer, “Role of CYP1A1 Msp1 Gene Polymorphism in the Development of Lung Cancer in Turkish Population”, Tuberk Toraks, 53(1), 5-9 (2005).
  8. Dinçer,Sİ., H. Akın, Demir, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, H.V. Kara and A. Gürses, “The Role of Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery in the Treatment of Malignant Pleural Effusions. Endoscopic Laporoscopic & Minimally Invasive Surgery Journal, 11(3), 125-130 (2004).
  9. Dinçer,Sİ., G. Olgaç, Demir, N. Ürer, A. Ölçmen, A. Sayar and A. Gürses, “Surgically Treated Pulmonary Aspergillomas Respiratory Journal ",6(3), 107-112 (2004).
  10. Dinçer,Sİ., G. Olgaç, Demir, O. Solak, T. Özalp, S.İ. Dinçer and A. Gürses, “Long-Term Follow-up Results After Surgical Treatment of Bronchial Carcinoid Tumors”, Torax Journal 3(3), 279-283 (2002).
  11. Metin,M., A. Sayar, Demir, C.A. Kutlu, A. Turna, A. Ölçmen, O. Solak and A. Gürses, “Sleeve Resections: Anastomosis Techniques, Morbidity and Mortality”, Turkish Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery Journal,9, 160-162 (2001).
  12. Turna,A., A. Gürses, A. Bedirhan, T. Özalp   C. Kocatürk, A, Demir ,M. Özcan and N. Ürer, “Should we perform ediastinoscopy routinely in patients with NSCLC that Mediastinal lymphatic involvement not detected in CT? ",Haydarpaşa Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Journal,  9, 33-39 (2001).
  13. Ölçmen,A., A. Sayar, M. Metin, Y. Bekar, E. Kaya, Demir and M. Ölçmen, " Surgical Treatment of Endobronchial Localized BenignTumoral Lesions”, Tuberk Toraks, 48(4), 345-348 (2000).
  14. Sayar,A., H. Güleç, A. Ölçmen, M. Metin, H. Akın, Demir and M. Ölçmen, “ Diagnostic surgical interventions in Vena kava superior syndrome”, Cerrahpaşa Medical Journal, 30, 269-72 (1999).
  15. Metin,M., A. Sayar, A. Ölçmen, Y. Bekar, H. Akın, Demir and M. Ölçmen, “Mortality and Morbidity in Mediastinoscopy: Retrospective analysis of 93 cases, Journal of Turkish Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 6:263- -267(1998).
  16. Sayar,A., M. Metin, A. Ölçmen, Demir, O. Taşçı, A. Gürses and M. Ölçmen, “Postoperative bleeding causing retoracotomy: Etiplogy, Treatment and Results”, Cardiovascular Surgery Journal, 6, 342-6 (1998).

b) Editing, Letter to editor, technical note and case presentation


  1. Dinçer Sİ., Demir Infectious Diseases and Surgical Treatments: Hydatid cyst of lung Turkiye Klinikleri J Orthop & Traumatol-Special Topics 2, 104-11 (2011).
  2. Demir,A.E. Demir, M.Z. Gunluoglu, H. Melek, Z.N. Ulukol, S.İ. Dincer. “Acute radial nerve paralysis related to use of automatically cycled blood pressure cuff during thoracic surgery”. Haseki Medical Bulletin, 48: 110-2, (2010).
  3. Kara, H.V., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, B. Medetoğlu, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer, “Bilateral Pneumothorax Develop Following Acupuncture Application: A rare and interesting case presentation”,Romatol Medical Rehab 18(4), 161-162 (2007).
  4. Kaynak, K. and Demir, “Mediastinal Germ Cell Tumors”, Turkey Clinics J Surg Med Sci 2(47), 27-31 (2006) ( Torax Surgery).
  5. Kaynak, K. and Demir, “Mediastinal Neurogenic Tumors”, Turkey Clinics J Surg Med Sci 2(47), 32-38 (2006) (Thorax Surgery).
  6. Beşirli, K. and Demir, “Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Approach to Mediastinal Tumors”, Turkey Clinics J Surg Med Sci, 2(47), 56-59 (2006) ( Thorax Surgery)
  7. Published in local journals other than journals scanned in TÜBiTAK - ULAKBiM national databases

a) Unique research, article

  1. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., A. Demir, E. Çetinkaya, G. Günlüoğlu and S.İ. Dinçer, “The Role of Positron Emission Tomography in the Diagnosis of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Plevra Bulletin”, 3(1), 37-41 (2009).

b) Editing, Letter to editor, technical note and case presentation

  1. Çuhedaroğlu, S., M.A.Ozgül, A.Demir. Fibrinolytic therapy in pleural effusions. Plevra Bulletin”, 6(2), 40-44 (2012).

2. Demir, , H. Akın, Z. Günlüoğlu, B. Medetoğlu and S.İ. Dinçer, "Morgagni Hernia with Down Syndrome: Trans thoracic Approach in Surgical Treatment", Okmeydanı medical Journal, 23, 41-43 (2006).

  1. At national and international scientific meetings

a)Oral presentation and full text or abstract presentation 


    1. Berker Özkan, Adalet Demir, Murat Kapdağlı, Zerrin Sungur Ülke, Salih Duman, Berk Çimenoğlu, Alper Toker. Videothoracoscopic thymectomy in pediatric myasthenic patients: Analysis of 40 Cases. VIth National Lung Cancer Congress. May 8-11, 2014. Antalya. Oral presentation
    2. Murat Kapdağlı, Adalet Demir, Berker Özkan, Erkan Kaba, Salih Duman, Berk Cimenoğlu, Alper Toker. Does the applicability of sleeve lobectomy affect the prognosis in the treatment of local advanced lung cancer? : VIIIth National Thoracic Surgery Congress April 23-26, 2015, Antalya, Oral presentation
    3. Berker Özkan, Adalet Demir, Erkan Kaba, Suat Erus, Salih Duman, Berk Cimenoğlu, Alper Toker. Radical Surgery in Multimodal Treatment of Masaoka IVA Timoma: National Lung Cancers Congress. March 12-15, 2015, Antalya, Oral presentation
    4. Adalet Demir, Songül Büyükkale, Nur Dilek Bakan, Özgür İşgörücü, Nurgül Pakdemir Bilgin, Orçun Önal, Adnan Sayar. Early period surgical complications in lung transplantation. Turkish Society of Thorax, 16th Annual Congress, April 3-7, 2013, Antalya.
    5. Nur Dilek Bakan, Songül Büyükkale, Adalet Demir, Özgür İşgörücü, Derya Gencer, Serda Kanbur, Levent Dalar, Nur Ürer, Adnan Sayar. Medical complications following lung transplantation. Turkish Society of Thorax, 16th Annual Congress, April 3-7, 2013, Antalya.
    6. Hüseyin Yıldırımoğlu, Songül Büyükkale, Nur Dilek Bakan, Özgür İşgörücü, Adalet Demir, Nuran Sağlam, Sezgin Ulusoy, Adnan Sayar. Lung donor acceptance and rejection: the experience of a center. Turkish Society of Thorax, 16th Annual Congress, April 3-7, 2013, Antalya.
    7. Sayar, N.Çitak, S.Büyükkale, M.Metin, M.Z.Günlüoğlu, S.Kanbur, A.Demir, A.Gürses, In the 15th Annual Congress of the Turkish Thoracic Society, "Turkish Thoracic Society 15th Annual Congress Proceedings" electronic booklet ( "Sleeve carinal resection and reconstruction for carinal invasion indications and results in applied malignant tumors " SS167p., Antalya, Turkey, April 2012
    8. N.Ürer, C.İ.Kocatürk, M.Z.Günlüoğlu, N.Arda, A.Demir, M.A.Bedirhan, N.Fener, S.İ.Dinçer, In the National Thoracic Malignancies Congress, the Congress of the National Thoracic Malignancies Congress Abstract Book "in the leaflet" Is the histological subtyping of lung adenocarcinoma effective on prognosis? " 120 pp., Antalya, Turkey, May 2012
    9. Melek, M.Z.Günlüoğlu, A.Demir, S.İ.Dinçer, In 6th National Thoracic Surgery Congress, “6th National Thoracic Surgery Congress Proceedings” “Prognostic effect of lymphatic involvement reported in pre-operative positron emission tomography in patients with resected stage I non-small cell lung cancer” 128 pp., Antalya, Turkey, April 2011
    10. Çitak, S.Büyükkale, A.Kök, Ö.İşgörücü, A.Çelikten, A.Demir, M.Z.Günlüoğlu, S.Kanbur, M.Metin, A.Sayar, A.Gürses, In TUSAD 32th Congress, “TUSAD 32th Congress Proceedings” “"Does Video Assisted Mediastinoscopy Reduce Incorrect Negativity in Subcarinal Lymph Node (# 7) Staging According to Standard Cervical Mediastinoscopy?" 111pp., Çeşme, İzmir, October 2011
    11. Adalet Demir, G.M Verleden, Lieven Dupont, G. Van Helleputte, Willy Coosemans, Herbert Decaluwé, P. De Leyn, Philippe Nafteux, Toni Lerut, D. Van Raemdonck. Predictive Factors For Long-Term Survival After Lung Transplantation; A Review In A Single Large-Volume Center. Toraks 13th Annual Congress, İstanbul,2010.
    12. Adalet Demir, D.Van Raemdonck, G.M Verleden, Lieven Dupont, Willy Coosemans, Herbert Decaluwé, P. De Leyn, Philippe Nafteux, Toni Lerut. Survival after single versus bilateral lung transplantation for COPD and pulmonary fibrosis. Toraks 13th Annual Congress, İstanbul,2010.
    13. Demir, A.Turna, C.Kocatürk, M.Z.Günlüoğlu, Ü.Aydoğmuş, N.Ürer, M.A.Bedirhan, A.Gürses, S.İ.Dinçer. Factors affecting survival in patients with small non-small-cell lung cancer at the pathological N1 stage ", 5th Turkish Thoracic Surgery Congress, 103 pp., Aydın, Türkiye, May 2009.
    14. Gunluoglu,MZ., Melek, B. Medetoğlu, H.V. Kara, A.Demir, S.İ. Dincer, “Mediastinal Staging in Central Localized Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer”, Toraks 12th Annual Congress, 41-42, Antalya, 2009.  
    15. Medetoğlu, B., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, N. Büyükpınarbaşı, N. Fener, S.İ. Dinçer,  “CD105-stained relation of microvessel density and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in resected stage 1 small cell lung cancer, and their effects on survival"4th National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 120, Antalya, 2008.   
    16. Demir, A., M.Z. Gunluoğlu, A. Turna, D. Sansar, H.V. Kara, S.İ. Dinçer, A. Gürses, "Factors affecting survival after surgery in non-small cell lung cancer patients with interlobular lymph node involvement",4th National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 114, Antalya, 2008.
    17. Melek, H., B. Medetoğlu, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer "Effect of Age on Surgical Morbidity and Mortality in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer", 4th National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 123, Antalya, 2008.
    18. Melek, H., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, B. Medetoğlu, H. V. Kara, E. Çetinkaya, S.İ. Dinçer, "Causes of False Positivity of FDG-PET in the Mediastinal Staging of Lung Cancer", Torax 11th Annual Congress, 7 , Antalya, 2008.
    19. Kara, H.V, H. Melek, B. Medetoğlu, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir and S.İ Dinçer "The efficacy and curablity of tube thoracostomy in hemothorax cases", International 3rd Ambulance Rally and Emergency Medical Services Congress,293, Ankara, 2007.
    20. Melek, H., M. Günlüoğlu, Demir, B. Medetoğlu, H.V. Kara, A. Ölçmen and S.İ. Dinçer, "The superiority of CT with integrated PET (PET-CT) on PET fusion BT in the mediastinal stage of lung cancer" 3rd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 109, Marmaris, 2007 (BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD)
    21. Melek, H, M. Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, A. Turna and S.İ. Dinçer, “Accuracy of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in Mediastinal Staging in Elderly Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer”, 3rd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 110, Marmaris, 2007.
    22. Melek,H., M. Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, B. Medetoğlu, H.V. Kara and S. İ. Dinçer, "Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Accuracy and Cost Analysis at Mediastinal Staging of Small Cell Lung Cancer", Toraks 10th Annual Congress, 71, Antalya, 2007.
    23. Melek, , M. Z. Günlüoğlu, A. Demir, A. Ölçmen, B. Medetoğlu, H.V. Kara and S.İ. Dinçer, “The Role of Positron Emission Tomography in Mediastinal Staging of Radiologic N2 Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma”, Toraks 10th Annual Congress, 70, Antalya, 2007.
    24. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., H. Melek, Demir, H.V. Kara, B. Medetoğlu, and S.İ. Dinçer, “The Accuracy of PET According to Mediastinal Staging in the Mediastinal Staging of NSCLC ", Toraks 10th Annual Congress, 70, Antalya, 2007.
    25. Turna A., A. Pekçolaklar, Demir, H. Melek, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, S.İ. Dinçer, M. Metin, A. Sayar and A. Gürses, “Lung Neuroendocrin Tumors: The Results of Surgical Treatment and Sub Groups with Speciality”, IVth Turkish Thoracic Surgery Congress, 47, Antalya, 2007.
    26. Melek, H., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, B. Medetoğlu, H.V. Kara and S.İ. Dinçer, “Negative PET in terms of Mediastinal Metastasis could remove the need for mediastinoscopy in patients with lung cancer? " IVth Turkish Thoracic Surgery Congress, 46, Antalya, 2007.
    27. Kara, H.V, Z. Günlüoğlu Demir, N. Bekiroğlu, Ö.U. Erzengin and S.İ. Dinçer, “Reflections on Performance-Based Revolving Fund Applications on Different Physician Groups in the Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Education Research Hospital; A survey study ", TÜSAD Respiration 28th Congress, 16, Antalya, 2006.
    28. Turna A., A. Pekçolaklar, Demir, H. Melek, N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, S.İ. Dinçer, M. Metin, A. Sayar and A. Gürses, “Lung Neuroendocrin Tumors: “Survivals in a heterogenic group”, 2nd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 20, Çeşme, 2006.
    29. Melek, H., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, H. Akın, A. Ölçmen, B. Medetoğlu and S.İ. Dinçer, In indication of Mediastinal Lymphatic Metastasis in Small Extracellular Lung Cancer, The Advantage of PET on Thoracic CT” 2nd Thoracic Oncology Congress, 28, Çeşme, 2006.
    30. Melek, H., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, H. Akın, Demir, A. Ölçmen and S.İ. Dinçer, “The role of PET in mediastinal staging of small cell lung cancer”, Toraks Society 9th Annual Congress, 75, Antalya, 2006.
    31. Demir, A., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, A. Turna, H.V. Kara and S.İ. Dinçer, “Analysis of surgical results of pulmonary aspergilloma”, Toraks Society 9th Annual Congress, 7, Antalya, 2006.
    32. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., Ö. Saydam, H. Akın, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer, “Right Thoracotomy Approach in Left Bronchopleural Fistula Repair”, 3rd National Thoracic Surgery Congress, 57, Gaziantep, 2005.
    33. Akın,H., Demir, H.Melek, Z.Günlüoğlu and S.Dinçer. “Clinical significance of Diagnostic Mediasinoscopy”, Toraks Society 7th Annual Congress, 90, Antalya, 2004.
    34. Sönmezoğlu,Y., S. Çühedaroğlu, Demir, A. Çevik, H. Akın, A. Sayar, C.A. Kutlu, M.A. Bedirhan and A. Gürses, “The place of surgical treatment in tuberculosis empyema”, Toraks Society 4th Annual Congress, 93, İzmir, 2001.
    35. Metin,M., A. Sayar, Demir, C.A. Kutlu, A. Turna, A. Ölçmen, O. Solak and A. Gürses, “Sleeve Resections: Anastomosis techniques, morbidity and mortality”, TUSAD Thoracic Diseases And Throcic Surgery Joint-Congress, Antalya, 2000
    36. Gürses,A., A. Turna, M.A. Bedirhan, T. Özalp, Demir, C. Kocatürk, M. Özcan and N. Ürer, “The Importance of Cervical Mediastinoscopy in Clinical N0 Small Extracellular Lung Cancer Cases”, TÜSAD Thoracic Diseases And Throcic Surgery Joint-Congress, SB:089, Antalya, 2000.
    37. Güleç,H., A. Sayar, H. Akın, A. Ölçmen, Demir and M. Ölçmen, “The effect of survival of hilar and intralober lymphatic involvement in operated small cell non-cell carcinoma”, TÜSAD Thoracic Diseases And Throcic Surgery Joint-Congress, SB:040, Antalya, 2000.
    38. Güleç,H., A. Sayar, C.A. Kutlu, H. Akın, M. Metin, A. Ölçmen, Demir and M. Ölçmen, “Effect of pleurodesis with oxytetracycline on recurrences in Primer spontaneous pneumothorax” TÜSAD Thoracic Diseases And Throcic Surgery Joint-Congress, Antalya, 2000.
    39. Metin,M., A.Sayar, O. Solak, C.A. Kutlu, Demir, A. Gürses and M. Ölçmen, “Extended Mediastinoskopies”, TÜSAD Thoracic Diseases And Throcic Surgery Joint-Congress, SB:091, Antalya, 2000.
    40. Akın,H., M. Metin, U. Biliciler, E. Kaya, Demir, S. Çuhedaroğlu, A. Gürses and M. Ölçmen, “The Importance of Surgery in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mediastinal Masses” TÜSAD Thoracic Diseases And Throcic Surgery Joint-Congress, SB:093, Antalya, 2000.
    41. Metin,M., A. Sayar, A. Ölçmen, Demir and M. Ölçmen, “Postresectional bronchopleural fistulas”, TÜSAD 25th national Congress, SB:037 İstanbul, 1999.
    42. Güleç, A. Sayar, A. Ölçmen, A. Demir and M. Ölçmen “Significance of preoperatively detected parenchyma nodules in lung cancer surgery”, TÜSAD 25th National Congress, SB:017, İstanbul, 1999.
    43. Sayar,A., H. Güleç, A. Ölçmen, M. Metin, Demir and M. Ölçmen, “Emergency lung resections due to massive hemoptysis ", TÜSAD 25th National Congress, SB:036, İstanbul, 1999.
    44. Sayar,A., Y. Bekar, A. Ölçmen, M. Metin, H. Güleç, H. Akın, Demir, E. Kaya and M. Ölçmen“, Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury in lung tumor surgery”, 5th National Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery Congress, 295, Antalya, 1998.
    45. Ölçmen,A., A. Sayar, M. Metin, Y. Bekar, E. Kaya, Demir and M. Ölçmen, " Surgical Treatment of Endobronchial Localized BenignTumoral Lesions”, 5th National Thoracic Cardivacular Surgery Congress 306, Antalya, 1998.

    46.Metin,M., A. Sayar, A. Ölçmen, Y. Bekar, H. Akın, A. Demir and M Ölçmen. “Mortality and               morbidity in Mediastinoscopy: Retrospective analysis of 93 cases”, 5 th national Thoracic                     Cardioovascular Suregery Congress, 105, Antalya, 1998

b)Poster published as full-text or abstract  

  1. Salih Duman, Murat Kapdağlı, Berk Çimenoğlu Berker Özkan, Adalet Demir, Alper Toker. Benign Metastatic Leiomyoma. VIth National Lung Cancer Congress. May 8-11, 2014. Antalya. (Poster)
  2. Alper Toker, Adalet Demir, Berker Özkan, Murat Kapdağlı, Salih Duman, Berk Çimenoğlu. Transurethral Endoscopic Approach in Postentubation Membrane Tracheal Rupture Repair: Due to Two cases. VIth National Lung Cancer Congress. May 8-11, 2014. Antalya. (Poster)
  3. Murat Kapdağlı, Salih Duman, Berk Çimenoğlu, Berker Özkan, Adalet Demir, Alper Toker. VATS timotimektomy: Lymphoid Stromal Micronodermoma. Turkish Society of Thorax, 17th Annual Congress, April 2-6, 2014, Antalya. (Poster)
  4. Salih Duman, Murat Kapdağlı, Berk Çimenoğlu, Berker Özkan, Adalet Demir, Alper Toker. Unprecedented Hilar Mass in Preoperative Period: Castleman's Disease ... National Lung Cancer Congress. March 13-16, 2014, Antalya. (Poster)
  5. Salih Duman, Berker Özkan, Özge Burçin Topcu, Berk Çimenoğlu, Adalet Demir, Alper Toker. Phantom Tumor: Case Report: Turkish Society of Thorax, 18th Annual Congress. April 1-5, 2015, Antalya. (Poster)
  6. Berker Özkan, Berk Çimenoğlu, Hüseyin Can Yücel, Yasemin Ateş, Salih Duman, Züleyha Bingöl, Adalet Demir, Zeki Kılıçaslan, Alper Toker. Pulmonary-brain localized echinococcal alveolaris (multilocularis) disease mimicking metastatic lung cancer: Turkish Society of Thorax, 18th Annual Congress. April 1-5, 2015, Antalya. (Poster)
  7. Berker Özkan, Salih Duman, Ahmet Göçmez, Mehri Işık, Berk Çimenoğlu, Adalet Demir, Alper Toker. Low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma case suspected to require vena cava superior resection and tracheal sleeve lobectomy in preoperative evaluation: National Lung Cancers Congress. March 12-15, 2015, Antalya (poster)
  8. Esra Pehlivan, Arif Balcı, Figen Kadakal, Nur Dilek Bakan, Songül Büyükkale, Adalet Demir, Adnan Sayar. Results of 1st month of pulmonary physiotherapy and rehabilitation program applied to lung transplantation candidates. Turkish Society of Thorax, 16th Annual Congress, April 3-7, 2013, Antalya.
  9. Gunluoglu, M.Z, H. Melek, B. Medetoglu, Demir, H.V. Kara, S.I. Dincer. The validity of ESTS Preoperative Lymph Node Evolution Guideline in Patients with Ests guide line NSCLC, Toraks 13th Annual Congress, İstanbul, 2010.
  10. Kara H.V., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, H. Melek, B. Medetoğlu, Demir, A. Ölçmen, S.İ. Dinçer “Routine Antibiotic Usage After Tube Thoracostomy in the Treatment of Spontaneous Primary Pneumothorax ", 10-21, TUSAD 2009.
  11. Kara,H.V., Z. Günlüoğlu, H. Melek, A. Demir, B. Medetoğlu, S.İ. Dinçer, “Oropharyngeal Area Cancer and Lung Cancer Association”,  Toraks 12th Annual Congress, 209, Antalya, 2009.
  12. Demir, A., M.Z. Gunluoğlu, N. Dağoğlu, A. Turna, Y. Dizdar, K. Kaynak, Ş. Dilege, N.M. Mandal, D. Yilmazbayhan, S.İ. Dinçer, A. Gürses, “The role and prognosis of the surgery in the treatment of primitive neuroectodermel tumors of chest wall”, 4th National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 123, Antalya, 2008.
  13. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., Demir, B. Medetoğlu, Dinçer S.İ, “Factors affecting survival in patients with resected stage I small cell lung cancer”, 4th National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 132, Antalya, 2008.
  14. Kara H.V., M. Z. Günlüoğlu, H. Melek, B. Medetoğlu, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer “Posterior mediastinal locally ganglionrome; A Rare Case Report”, 4th National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 135, Antalya, 2008.
  15. Kara H.V., Demir, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, H. Melek, and S.İ. Dinçer “Solitary Fibrous Tumor of Pleura; Two rare cases presentation”, 4th National Thoracic Oncology Congress, p15, Antalya, 2008.
  16. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., B. Medetoğlu, H.V. Kara, Demir, S.İ. Dinçer, ”Surgical early results in synchronous multiple primary lung cancers”, 4th National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 144, Antalya, 2008.
  17. Melek, H., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, H. V. Kara, B. Medetoğlu, S.İ. Dinçer “The Influence of Age on the FDG-PET Accuracy of Mediastinal Staging of Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer” Toraks 11th Annual Congress, 240 , Antalya, 2008.
  18. Kara, H.V., Herbert D., Demir A., De Leyn P., ”Complication of metallic stent in benign tracheal stenosis”, Toraks 11th Annual Congress, 232, Antalya, 2008.
  19. Demir, A., H.V. Kara, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, S.İ. Dinçer, G. Özkan, G. Çamsarı, ”Endometrium adenocarcinoma case with metastasis to lung after 17 years of hysterectomy”, Toraks 11th Annual Congress, 173, Antalya, 2008.
  20. Günlüoğlu,M.Z., H. Akın, H.V. Kara, Demir, S.İ. Dinçer, ”Cavernous hemangioma with unfavorable location: Rare 2 cases presentation”, Toraks 11th Annual Congress, 190, Antalya, 2008.
  21. Ölçmen, A., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, H.V. Kara, B. Medetoğlu, Demir, N. Büyükpinarbasili, S.I. Dinçer, ”Primary Lung Sinovial Sarcoma: 2 Case Reports and Literature Review”, Toraks 11th Annual Congress,164 , Antalya, 2008.
  22. Aydogmus, U., Demir, M.Z. Gunluoglu, Y. Sonmezoglu, L. Cansever, S.I. Dincer, M.A. Bedirhan, “Prognostic Significance of Main Bronchial Invasion in Right Upper Lobe Localized Lung Cancer”, Toraks 11th Annual Congress, 421-22, Antalya, 2008.
  23. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., B. Medetoğlu, H. Melek, Demir, H.V. Kara and S.İ. Dinçer, “The role of positron emission tomography in the approach to the patients with pulmonary nodule associated with non-small cell lung cancer”, 3rd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 131, Marmaris, 2007.
  24. Kara, H. V., Demir, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, H. Melek, B. Medetoğlu, A. Ölçmen and S. İ. Dinçer, “Pleuropneumonectomy results in selected patient group in malign mesothelioma”, ”, 3rd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 119, Marmaris, 2007.
  25. Kara, H.V., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, H. Melek, B. Medetoğlu, H. Akın, A. Ölçmen and S.İ. Dinçer, “The necessity of routine mediastinoscopy in clinically operable NSCLC patients”, 3rd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 116, Marmaris, 2007.
  26. Kara, H.V., H. Melek, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir, B. Medetoğlu and S.İ. Dinçer, “The Effectiveness of the Application of Talk Plroodesis Through Thoracostomy Tube in Malignant Pleural Effusions”, Toraks 10th Annual Congress, 165, Antalya, 2007.
  27. Kara, H.V., B. Medetoğlu, M. Günlüoğlu, H. Melek, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer, “Treatment of patients Pneumothorax Patients secondary to Emphysema And Effectivity of Talk Plörodesis Made Through Tube Thoracostomy in Preventing Recurrance”, Toraks 10th annual Congress, 107, Antalya, 2007.
  28. Ölçmen A., H.V. Kara, H. Melek, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer, “Spontaneous Pnömomediastinum; 7-case presentation”, Toraks 10th Annual Congress, 61, Antalya, 2007.
  29. Melek, H., B. Medetoğlu, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, H. Akın, A. Ölçmen, H.V. Kara, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer, “The Effectiveness of Mediastinoscopy Made for Diagnostic Purposes”, Toraks 10th Annual Congress, 97, Antalya, 2007.
  30. Kara, H.V., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, B. Medetoğlu, H. Melek, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer “Success Rate of Tube Thoracostomy According to Duration in Spontaneous Pneumothorax Treatment”, Toraks 10th Annual Congress, 155, Antalya, 2007.
  31. Kara, H.V., M.Z. Günlüoğlu, H. Melek, B. Medetoğlu, A. Demir, A. Ölçmen and S.İ. Dinçer, “Antibiotic Use After Spontaneous Primer Pneumothorax Tube Thoracostomy”, IVth Turkish Thoracic Surgery Congress, 68, Antalya, 2007.
  32. Kara, H.V., B. Medetoğlu, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer, “Bilateral Pneumothorax Following Acupuncture Application; A Rare and Interesting Case Report” IVth Turkish Thoracic Surgery Congress, 129, Antalya, 2007.
  33. Kara, H.V., H. Melek, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer, “Thoracic Ganglioneuromas Case Excised by Thoracoscopic Method”, IVth Turkish Thoracic Surgery Congress, 130, Antalya, 2007.
  34. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., V.H. Kara, Demir , N. Büyükpınarbaşılı, S. Altın and S.İ. Dinçer, “Aggressive Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor in Child: “Case report”, 2nd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 56, Çeşme, 2006.
  35. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., Demir, H. Akın, D. Sansar, H.V. Kara, A. Ölçmen and S.İ. Dinçer, “Mediastinal lymphatic metastasis pattern in left upper lobe small extracellular lung cancer”, 2nd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 39, Çeşme, 2006. ( The Best Poster Discussion Award).
  36. Şimşek,F., E. Erşen, M. Akçıl, Demir and K. Kaynak, ”Preoperative radiotherapy in Superior Sulkus Tumors or contribution of chemoradiotherapy to treatment”, 2nd National Thoracic Oncology Congress, 45, 2006.
  37. Erşen, E., F. Şimşek, M. Akçıl, A. Demirkaya, Demir and K. Kaynak, “Intrathoracic Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor: Four Cases”, TÜSAD 28th National Congress,62, 2006.
  38. Erşen, E., F. Şimşek, M. Akçıl, A. Demirkaya, S. Erturan, Demir and K. Kaynak, Surgical Treatment in Pulmonary Aspergilloma ". TÜSAD 28th National Congress,62, 2006.
  39. Akçıl, M., F. Şimşek, E. Erşen, A. Demirkaya, K. Kaynak, Demir, E. Ciğercioğulları and B. Öz, “Pulmonary Blastoma: Two- Case Report”, TÜSAD 28th National Congress,63, 2006.
  40. Günlüoğlu, M.Z., Demir, V.H. Kara, H. Melek and S.İ. Dinçer, “Results of surgeries in two patients with thoracic primitive neuroectodermal tumors” Toraks Society 9th Annual Congress, 117, Antalya, 2006.
  41. Fazlıoğlu, M., C. Kocatürk, Y. Sönmezoğlu, A.G. Cevik, Demir, N. Ürer, A.Turna, S.İ. Dinçer M.A. Bedirhan and A. Gürses, “Survival effect of resection type and invasion depth in NSCLC with chest wall invasion”, Toraks Society 9th Annual Congress, 92, Antalya, 2006. (The Best Discussion Poster Award).
  42. Sönmezoğlu, Y., A.G. Cevik, Demir, A. Sayar, S.İ. Dinçer, M. Bedirhan and A. Gürses, “Factors affecting Morbidity in tuberculous empyema”, Toraks Society 8th Annual Congress, 43, Antalya, 2005.
  43. Ölçmen, A., Demir, H. Melek and S.İ. Dinçer, “Catemenial Pneumothorax with Diaphragmatic Fenestrations”, 3rd National Thoracic Surgery Congress, 184, Gaziantep, 2005. Puan:0.8
  44. Demir, A, A. Ölçmen, H.V. Kara and S.İ. Dinçer, “Late Diagnosis And Treatment Of Full Bronchial Rupture After Blunt Thoracic Trauma”, 3rd National Thoracic Surgery Congress, 126, Gaziantep, 2005.
  45. Dinçer, S.İ., Demir, H.V. Kara and D. Selcuk, “Thoracoscopic Removal of Mediastinal Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma”, 3rd National Thoracic Surgery Congress, 120, Gaziantep, 2005.
  46. Dinçer, S.İ., Demir, H.V. Kara, N. Fener and S. Altın, “Primary Tracheal Schwannoma: A rare Case report”, 3rd National Thoracic Surgery Congress, 122, Gaziantep, 2005.
  47. Saydam, Ö., H. Akın, A. Ölçmen, M.Z. Günlüoğlu, Demir and S.İ. Dinçer, “Computed Thorax Tomography at the Mediastinal Staging of Small Extracellular Lung Cancer and Efficacy of Cervical Mediastinoscopy”, 3rd National Thoracic Surgery Congress, 182, Gaziantep, 2005.
  48. Demir, A., A. Sayar, B. Medetoğlu, M.Z. Günlüoğlu and S.İ. Dinçer, “Transthoracic Approach in Morgagni Hernis Surgical Treatment”, 3rd National Thoracic Surgery Congress, 82, Gaziantep, 2005.
  49. Demir,A., Z. Günlüoğlu, D. Sanasar, H. Melek and S.İ. Dinçer, “How should the cases with interlobular pleural involvement with non-small cell lung cancer be classified and what should be the form of resection? “3rd National Thoracic Surgery Congress, 101, Gaziantep, 2005.
  50. Kutlu,C.A., A. Sayar, Demir, M. Metin, H. Akın, S.İ. Dinçer, N. Solmazer, M. A.Bedirhan and A.Gürses, “Factors affecting survival in resected superior sulcus tumors”, Toraks Society 5th Annual Congress, TP:324, 84-85, Antalya, 2002.
  51. Sayar,A., Güleç, A. Ölçmen, U. Biliciler, A. Demir and M. Ölçmen, “Treatment approaches in nontraumatic bilateral synchronous pneumothorax ", TÜSAD 25th National Congress, TP:069 İstanbul, 1999.
  1. Scientific publications (journals / books) scanned in TÜBiTAK - ULAKBiM national database.

b) Chapter Translation in a book (For each book)

1.H.Volkan Kara and Adalet Demir. Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum. Translation Editor: Mustafa Yüksel. Adult Thoracic Surgery Chapter:108, ss. 917-924, Nobel Medicine Boolkstore, İstanbul, Turkey, 2011. S.Bryant ve Robert James Cerfolio, Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum. Editör; DJ Sugarbaker, R.Bueno, M.J.Krasna, S.J.Mentzer, L.Zellos,Adult Chest Surgery.

  1. H.Volkan Kara and Adalet Demir. Benign Tumors of Pleura. Translation Editor: Mustafa Yüksel, Adult Thoracic Surgery, Chapter:109, ss:925-929, Nobel Medicine Bookstore, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2011. JMc Name, Benign Tumors of the Pleura, Editör; DJ Sugarbaker, R.Bueno, M.J.Krasna, S.J.Mentzer, L.Zellos,Adult Chest Surgery.
  2. Fatih Yakar and Adalet Demir. Approach to Acute Bronchopleural Fistulas. Translation Editor: Mustafa Yüksel. Adult Thoracic Surgery Chapter:110, ss:930-932, Nobel Medicine Bookstores, İstanbul, Turkey, 2011. Aneil A Mujoomdar ve Phillip C. Camp,Jr. Management of Acute Bronchopleural Fistula. Editor; DJ Sugarbaker, R.Bueno, M.J.Krasna, S.J.Mentzer, L.Zellos, Adult Chest Surgery.


  3.TÜBİTAK, TÜBA, TTGV, DPT supported Project implementation

Lung Transplantation

Title of Medical Specialty Dissertation (abstract is attached) and Advisor(s): Prognostic Factors Affecting Survival in Superior Sulcus Tumor Surgery

Duties undertaken in projects:

Lung Transplantation, TUBITAK Project, year 2018, 2219- Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship Program 2nd term, Project Manager.

Scientific Organization Memberships:

European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS)

International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT)

Istanbul Chamber of Medicine

Turkish Association of Thoracic Surgery.

Turkish Association of Thorax

Turkish Association of Respiratory Researches

Association of Lung Cancer

Association of Lung Cancers


